of employees say that personal finances are the main cause of stress
Financially stressed employees are more likely to
Be distracted at work.
Take more time off.
Show lower engagement
Leave the company
Resulting in lost productivity and reduced profits
How Employee Financial Wellness impacts profitability?
Low Productivity
Financially StressedEmployees spend over three hours per week dealing with personal finances at work and loose nearly one month of productive work time
High Absenteeism
Employees who worry about money miss almost twice as many days per year compared to their unstressed colleagues
High Turnover
Costs companies 33% of an employee’s annual salary
Benefits to Employers
of employers feel responsible for employee financial wellnesscompared to 41% in 2013
of Employers Now Say Offering Financial Wellness Tools Helps Increase Employee Retention
of employers agree that offering financial wellness support can resultin more satisfied, loyal, engaged and productive employees